Fasting Supplements Market Research

Do you practice any form of fasting on a regular basis?

And you are NOT currently a buyer of Nutri-Align supplements?

We want to know what you think about fasting supplements!

Please sign up below to participate in our marketing research.

We will send a $25 Amazon Gift Card to anyone who participates in our live 1:1 sessions.

Sign-up for an interview session

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How are the sessions conducted?

Sessions are conducted live over Zoom or voice call and typically take about 15-30 minutes to complete. 

Sessions will be hosted by Megan McManners, founder and owner of Nutri-Align, on a 1:1 basis (one participant per call).  

What sort of questions will you ask?

Questions are focused on your buying behaviour and purchase decision-making. We may also ask a few lifestyle-related questions. You can skip any questions you don’t want to answer. 

We will not ask for any personally identifiable information. You can keep your name anonymous if you wish but we will need your email address in order to organize the interview. 

Are the sessions recorded?

Yes, sessions will be recorded and transcribed.

Information will then be anonymised, collated and analysed in a market research report.

Your session recording will then be deleted permanently.

Any questions for us?

Please ask in the comments and we’ll get back to you ASAP!

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