Nutritional Supplements Aligned To Your Goals

Nutri-Align supplements support low-carb diets and fasting regimens, helping you to:

  • Break away from addiction to sugar and junk
  • Adapt to a healthier way of eating
  • Reach your target healthy weight
  • Optimise your long-term health and performance

Nutri-Align Company History Timeline

2011: Nutri-Align is founded in the UK

2012: Our first product is launched: Nutri-Align Multivit (Multivitamins for Keto and Atkins diets)

2014: Our Keto range expands to include products for electrolyte balance, ketosis and energy

2015: Nutri-Align supplements become available in the USA

2017: Nutri-Align supplements become available worldwide with fulfilment centres in Europe, Australia and the USA

2019: Fasting Salts powder is launched

2020: Fasting range is expanded to include capsules products and multivitamins

2021: A European subsidiary is established to enable post-Brexit EU trade

2022: A sister company is established in Dubai to enable UAE/GCC trade

Nutri-Align Founder's Story

Megan McManners, Founder of Nutri-Align

I am Megan McManners – the founder and owner of Nutri-Align.

My dream is that one day we’ll move away from the “standard Western diet” with all its refined carbs, artificial ingredients and other processed junk. And get back to eating natural seasonal foods while also embracing the ancient tradition of occasional fasting. This paradigm shift is the necessary first step in solving major health problems we face today as a society.

Nutri-Align supplements help people to break away from unhealthy diets loaded with sugar and junk and support adaptation to alternative ways of eating like low-carb, Keto and intermittent fasting.

The Forgotten Wisdom of Dr Atkins

It all started back in 2010. I was doing the Atkins Diet.

Dr Atkins strongly recommended supporting low-carb diets with nutritional supplements. Not to prevent deficiencies as his critics would later claim – but to fully optimise health and wellbeing.

He wrote a whole book on this subject. Atkins Nutritionals used to produce their own brand of supplements (now discontinued).

I tried to follow his recommendations. But I just couldn’t find the right products.

Not Happy with Generic Supplements

I found that most supplements are designed based on the system of Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) values – from many decades ago and developed for people on "standard diets". The science behind most formulations is similarly out of date. On top of that, generic products are often packed full of sugar and processed carbs.

Having moaned and raged about this for a while, I decided to start my own supplements business.

Starting My Own Business

Back then, I knew nothing about supplement manufacturing. So I found the right experts to help me develop formulations. And convinced one of the largest UK contract manufacturers to work with us.

All of my savings went into this project, plus a bank loan and several credit cards. It was a bit of a gamble!

But eventually, everything worked out exactly as I had hoped.

Nutri-Align Keto Supplements Range

Our first product was Nutri-Align Multivit – a sugar-free multivitamin to supplement low-carb diets like Atkins and Keto. It was launched in 2012 and been selling well ever since.

Over the next 8 years, we expanded the range to include other supplements for Keto and Atkins diets like Keto Electrolytes and Keto Catalyst.

Fasting Salts Electrolyte Powder

The latest addition to our product range is our Fasting Salts electrolyte powder.

I got into fasting while undergoing treatment for breast cancer in 2019. Once again, I could not find the right product to support my fast.

So after successfully finishing my treatment, I decided to develop a new product for this specialised need.

Future Plans

The Nutri-Align range is deliberately small. It includes only the most effective products that you couldn't find elsewhere.

We constantly monitor dietary research and science news for new developments.

We’ll continue to serve and support our customers. We hope to contribute to the upcoming nutritional revolution – one small step at a time!

Nutri-Align Supplements

  • Completely 100% sugar-free and zero-carb
  • Carefully calibrated for their target purpose
  • Free from junk ingredients

Made in Britain

Nutri-Align supplements are made in Britain and accredited to use the protected "Made in Britain" mark.

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) Compliant

Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) is a global standard that’s compulsory for medicines but voluntary for dietary supplements. So you can rest assured your supplements are genuine, pure and safe.

Registered with US FDA

Nutri-Align is registered with the US FDA as a foreign food supplements facility. We file paperwork with the FDA for every supplement shipment imported into the USA.