Your Dosage Quiz Result

Based on your answers to our dosage quiz, your electrolyte requirements are in the MIDDLE of the spectrum.

With Intermittent Fasting, you are still refeeding at least once a day. So you are getting some electrolytes with food.

Based on your quiz results, your electrolyte requirements are about average. You may benefit from additional electrolyte supplementation in a small dosage.

How did we calculate your result?

Dosage When to take Total daily dosage
2 capsules, twice a day During your fasting window, with at least a few hours break before/after your meal times 4 capsules

When to take your electrolytes during IF

The objective is to spread the dosage out evenly and with plenty of time between food and supplements.

Do not take your electrolytes with food or immediately before/after meals. Ensure there is at least a 2-hour window in between. You will be getting some electrolytes with food so supplementing at the same time will likely be too much.

Example: 18/6 IF

  • Fasting window from 7pm until 1pm
  • Eating window 1pm to 7pm

When to take electrolytes: 2 capsules at 9am and 2 capsules at 10pm

How to take Fasting Salts capsules

Take the capsules with a large glass of water - at least 500ml.

Taking capsules without water will very likely cause digestive upset due to a concentrated hit of salts.

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Results are guideline only

Please note these recommendations are guideline only.

Our quiz generates a more accurate estimate than a generic “one size fits all” dosage recommendation.

However, there are still other factors at play that affect your electrolyte levels which cannot be covered by a quiz, for example:

  • Genetics
  • Dietary intake of electrolytes while not fasting
  • Electrolyte levels of your drinking water
  • Other supplements or medications you take

Use your quiz result as the starting point and tweak it up or down depending on how you feel.

Tailoring the dosage further based on how you feel

INCREASE the dosage if:
You feel any symptoms of electrolyte deficiency such as fatigue, dizziness, headaches, muscle cramps and heart palpitations.

DECREASE the dosage if:
You feel any symptoms of electrolyte overdose such as bloating, swollen fingers or ankles, nausea and diarrhea.

SPREAD OUT the dosage if:
You experience digestive upset such as stomach pain, nausea and diarrhea. Split  he dosage into 3x 2-capsule servings. 6 or use more water (750ml instead of 500ml). If your digestive upset symptoms persist, stop taking the product and let us know.

Fasting Salts capsules – General tips

Start small

It’s always better to err on the side of taking too little rather than too much.

If you take a small dosage and still feel the symptoms of deficiency, you can always have a little bit more. But if you take too much all at once, the most likely outcome will be diarrhea or vomiting.

After a few days of fasting, you will be more attuned to your body's signals. You will get a better sense of how to adjust the dosage based on how you feel.

Do not take without water

It’s essential to have plenty of water when you take your capsules - at least 500ml glass of water.


Fasting is considered to be generally safe for healthy individuals.

Consult your doctor or another qualified health professional before fasting and before taking supplements if any of the following apply to you:

  • Elevated blood pressure
  • Kidney infections and disorders
  • Taking any prescription medications
  • Under medical supervision for any reason
  • Any other serious health concerns not listed above

Fasting is not recommended if any of the following apply:

  • You are pregnant or lactating
  • You are under 18 years of age
  • You have a Body Mass Index of under 19
  • You’ve been diagnosed with an eating disorder in the past

Find out more about fasting warnings