The Benefits of Creatine for Women Explained

The Benefits of Creatine for Women Explained

Unless you’re an athlete or a body builder, creatine might not be on your radar.  You might not even know what it is.  But if you’re a woman, you should...
Sugar Addiction

Free Yourself from Sugar Addiction

Addictions come in many forms. People are addicted to all kinds of things. Anything that gives you that feel good dopamine hit can potentially be addictive. And sugar checks that...
Oxalate Dumping

How to Avoid Oxalate Dumping

Oxalate dumping is an unpleasant issue we hear about most often in the Carnivore circles but it can happen with fasting too, or even with the Ketogenic diet. Here I...
Chronic Inflammation

Chronic Inflammation - Is Your Diet to Blame?

Inflammation is part of the body’s natural defense system. If you ever cut your finger or get a splinter you’ll know about the redness and swelling, AKA inflammation. It’s the...

Fasting During Holiday Season

It’s that time of the year again. The holidays are right around the corner! These special days are such a wonderful time of family, love, and celebration. But not so...