
Quick Guide to OMAD

What is OMAD? OMAD stands for One Meal a Day. It is a very popular form of Intermittent Fasting. Basically, it is exactly what it sounds like! You eat one...

How to Prevent Weight Regain After Fasting

Weight regain is a common concern. Nobody wants to do all that fasting and then end up gaining the weight right back! Let’s look at why some weight can come...

How to Stick to Your Diet Goals

Whether you’re fasting or trying to follow a diet, sticking to your diet goals can be hard. Let’s look at some tips that can make the struggle a little easier. Plan...

Extended Fasting Guide

Thinking of taking your Intermittent Fasting a step further? Or maybe you’d like to add Extended Fasting to your Keto or Carnivore lifestyle? This beginner’s Guide to EF is for...

Is Fasting Safe?

Fasting is safe for the vast majority of healthy adults. But there are a few exceptions. In some situations, fasting is not recommended or requires medical approval beforehand. Sometimes Extended...

Intermittent Fasting Guide

What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting (IF) is a normal way of life where you have periods of fasting followed by periods of feasting (called a “window”). Simple! No counting...

Ten Fasting Myths vs Reality

Fasting is one of the best things you can do for your body. It brings multiple benefits for your health, fitness and overall well-being. But there are many myths associated...